In Vermont I have to wake up very early in the morning. I live in a small house in small town. My first photo displays the inside of my small house’s kitchen. This is where meals are cooked in the household. I have to travel a long distance to get to school. I travel to school in a car with my friends. I go to school in a high school which is from ages 14-18 years old. The second photo shows my high school and it’s football field. Football is a sport my school offers to play that’s very important to the school. The school days are from the morning into the early afternoon. I take classes such as English and mathematics. Our school has a variety of classes and groups you can participate in. After school I participate in afternoon sports. I play soccer everyday after school. Our practices are long and tiring. My third and fourth photo show What the field I practice on looks like. We practice then play competitive games against other schools. After practice I go home with my friends. My mother serves us the food she makes. After a nice long day I go for walks in beautiful green fields.The fifth photo displays what the landscape of Vermont looks like. While walking I look at all the trees and plants around me. I love watching deer or other wildlife. Deer are mammals that have brown fur, have hooves, and antlers on the top of their head. After my walk I prepare for going to bed and for school tomorrow.