When I get to school I’m all about business.
When I’m done with school my mom or dad picks me up after.
I’ll go home do my chores around the house, and get ready to go to the junction.
I end my day at the junction.
These five photos capture me and my state. They all represent how I spend my day in Vermont. The first photo shows some of the followers outside of Hartford High School.The second photo shows when I go into school I start working on what I need to get done. The third photo shows my mom and dad arriving to the school to pick me up so then I could get ready to head over to the junction. The fourth photo shows me on my way to the junction to either get help with my homework or talk about stress with one of the staff. The fifth photo shows me happy and just about done with my day. This shows how I see Vermont in my eyes, and how I send it.