These photos represent my home state of Vermont, and how I see it. My first photo captures the sun shining through the trees behind my house. Vermont has a lot of trees and I think that they represent the state well. The second photo is also of a tree, but up close. This tree is a maple which are very important to Vermont for making maple syrup. Vermont is one of, if not the highest producer of maple syrup in the United States, and is quite famous for it. The third photo I took was of the woods behind my house. I took this photo because I like the woods a lot, and Vermont has lots of woods. The next photo is of one of my chickens. I have sixteen chickens and they are a lot of fun. Many people in Vermont keep chickens, so I thought I should include them in this. My final photo is of a maple leaf. Earlier I mentioned how important the maple tree is to Vermont, so I thought I should put a leaf in as they is very iconic to the state. Overall, my pictures show my perspective of my state and what its known for.