
Mehdi O

When I think of New Hampshire I think of what these photos represent. At my house I am surrounded by all sorts of nature. I have the river behind me, field next to me and forest in front of me. When I wake up I like to take a deep breath while staring past the bright green trees at the river. also at my house there is a lot of animals, whether its farm animals, pets or wild animals. We even have an emu! We also have a big barn that my dad built himself. On my barn there is a balcony on the second floor that point towards the river. My sisters and I used to go up there and talk because of the beautiful view,and also to get away from my parents. also when I think of vermont or new hampshire i think of how nature isnt a inconvenience tous, were an inconvenience to nature. So I tried to capture it by taking a close up of a daisy while having my high school in the background. I took this picture after a rain storm so there are some water droplets on the pedals of the flower. I also like to play sports so I attempted to capture that while still including a nature aspect. So I tried to obtain that by taking a picture of the scoreboard with the sky waiting behind it. I like to think of New Hampshire as a land we have invaded, and turned to our own, but we can't forget that this isnt just our home.